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Executive Team


HSIF's leadership team performs the day-to-day operations of our organization. Each member on executive team has been involved with the Hoosier Social Impact Fund from the beginning, building the organization from the ground up. 


Amelia Steinmetz is a junior studying Economic Consulting with a minor in Spanish. She is from Fishers, IN and considers herself a Hoosier born and raised. She has been involved with HSIF for over a year and is excited to serve as Vice President of Lending. In this position, she leads the Community Engagement Team in building relationships with community partners, planning events to connect with local organizations and businesses, and finding and securing clients. 



Jason Satterthwaite is a Sophomore from Mason, Ohio, majoring in Economic Consulting and Finance with a minor in History. As Vice President of Marketing, Jason is responsible for developing and managing all print, digital and in-person marketing channel. Last year, Jason worked under the former Vice President of Marketing learning the skills necessary for the position. 



Blake Williams is a junior from Montreal, Canada majoring in Finance and Business Analytics with a minor in french. As Vice President of Finance, Blake supervises all the financial transactions and is responsible for quarterly and annual reporting. Also, as Vice President of Technical Assistance, Blake leads the sector of the organization responsible for providing consulting support for businesses around Bloomington.



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